
Understand Oktopus Controller capabilites of both the Open Source version (Community Edition) and the Enteprise Edition.

Community Edition

Here you still have the possibility to execute any CWMP or USP message. It's possible to execute CRUD operations on the device parameters and execute actions as firmware update, reboot, factory reset and so on. If you are a developer, or someone who wants to understand in the practice how those protocols work and maybe build some utilities on top of it, the open source version fits you.

Enterprise Edition

If you want to use Oktopus Controller at your company in a production environment, then we suggest to use our enterprise-grade solution. We provide you and end-to-end software platform with a flexible pricing, commercial SLA, support of specialists, and resources customized to your use case.



Dashboard Overview

Users Authentication

Users RBAC

Devices Authentication

Multi Tenancy

Custom UI Theme


  • MQTT


  • Websockets

  • ACS

Device Parameters Discovery

Custom CWMP and USP Messages


WiFi management

Site Survey

List of devices connected to CPE


Device Actions:

  • Reboot

  • Factory Reset

  • Firmware Update

Device Diagnostic Tools:

  • Ping

  • Traceroute

Mass Firmware Update

Device Geolocation

Last updated